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How to Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days

Losing weight is one of the most basic goals of one's life nowadays. Maintaining a good body and appealing appearance is something that everyone wants. Everyday use of Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest increase the competition of gaining more followers and likes.


Most people want a perfect shaped physical appearance, and for that purpose, they have to cut out fats from their bodies.

Most people will not believe that they can lose 10 pounds in just 7 days, but we will give you some amazing tips on how to do that in this article.

While this is obviously not a long-term diet, most people who work in the entertainment industry must look their best in a concise period of time.

In this article, we will provide you with a program to help you lose 10 pounds in 7 days possibly.

Here are some simple and fast ways to lose weight:

Follow a low calorie diet

Cutting calories is the key to losing weight. The number of calories burned per day depends upon your age, body size, and level of activity.

A low-calorie diet is usually composed of low carbohydrates which constitute 50-60% percent of the body's total energy intake of a day and is composed of low fat which constitutes less than 30% of the daily total energy intake of the body.

It should also be taken care of that a low-calorie diet contain high fiber foods and foods having low glycemic index.

Many studies have found a low-calorie diet as a safer option for weight loss. In a large literature review conducted by National Health Institute (NIH), 314 studies were assessed, and it was found out that a low-calorie diet can reduce body weight by approximately 8% in a period of 3-12 months. It was also concluded that a low-calorie diet could decrease abdominal fat [1].

Studies have reported two other safer options for rapid weight loss that includes:

  • Very low-calorie diets (VLCDs) – consisting of specific foods including high biological value proteins in it i.e., chicken, meat, and fish. Such diets maintain essential fatty acids, lean body mass, and the body's essential vitamin and mineral content.

Very low-calorie diets are designed for people with major health risks (moderately to severely obese) and individuals for whom other treatment strategies have failed. This diet needs regular supervision of the physicians and is effective in short-term weight loss. Compared to the low-calorie diet weight loss of 0.8- 1.1 pounds per week, VLCDs results in an average weekly weight loss of 3.3 to 5.5 pounds [2, 3].

  • Very low-fat diets – contains a high-level fiber ratio and consist of only 10-15% of the total fat. It recommends a low amount of meat and suggests a vegetarian-style weight loss diet. The very low-fat diets were initially created for individuals with coronary heart disease.

Researches have reported a weight loss of 24 pounds in year 1 of this diet in moderate to severe patients of coronary heart disease with intensive lifestyle changes including sticking to a vegetarian diet consisting of less than 10% fats along with stress management and regular aerobic exercises [4, 5].

People should follow a low-calorie diet to build a calorie deficit. Calorie deficiency is a process created by regularly supplying your body with fewer calories than it needs to burn on a daily basis. In addition to a high-fat diet, your body turns to extra fats stored in your body and uses them as a source of energy leading to weight loss [6].

Here are some tips to keep a check on your calorie intake:

  • Plan a meal time – Eat meals at a regular time interval, no extra snack time.
  • Keep a calorie counter – Many apps and calorie counters are available that can help you keep a check and balance on the amount of calories you are taking every day.
  • Count on veggies – Cut out all the fatty and junk food from your diet, instead of lean on healthy vegetables.
  • Avoid Soda drinks – Sodas makes oneself to proton weight, instead of drinking soda, you should drink lemon water.

Move More or Start Exercise

Just walking more can help burn calories, and burning more calories can help a person lose more weight in a week. Exercise is a great way to lose weight. When a person works out, his metabolism increases and increases the number of calories he burns per day.

When you work out, the lean muscle mass increases which increase the amount of calories burned during the day. Remember that even when resting, 10 pounds of muscle burns 50 calories while the same amount of fat burns 20 calories a day [7].

Your workout should include cardio exercises and weight uplift, cardio exercises such as tying rope, swimming, running, walking and cycling. Depending on exercise, strength, and weight loss, you can lose 180 to 733 calories in 30 minutes.

An individual can keep a pedometer that counts the number of steps taken by the person throughout the day. In this way, one can keep a track of the positive effects of walking or running on their weight loss [8].

In a study conducted on 52 obese men, it was suggested that clinically meaningful weight loss can be attained by performing intense exercise more than the recommended limit of 150 min/week [9].

Studies have also observed a significant reduction of 8% and 6.8% of weight in different study populations with high volume aerobic exercise training without caloric restriction [10].

Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is gaining popularity referring to very little or no caloric intake in regular time spans. While fasting from time to time is not for everyone, it can be a very simple and effective way to lose weight fast. Studies show that fasting can be an effective way to reduce calories without actually trying. By reducing the amount of time you have to eat per day, you simply end up not being able to use as many calories as you normally would, leading to weight loss. Intermittent fasting usually consists of:

  • 16 hours long daily fast,
  • Alternate-day fasting referring to fasting for 24 hours on alternate days,
  • Fasting for 2 days per week on non-consecutive days.

It is reported that most of the weight loss in intermittent fasting is the loss of fat specifically. Studies have shown that prolonged fasting can increase the levels of catecholamine, hormones that affect the release of fatty acids from the blood metabolism. By fasting, and thus increasing levels of catecholamine, you can increase the amount of fatty acids excreted in fatty tissue and then metabolize [11].

In different studies, intermittent fasting has resulted in significant weight loss and several studies have compared calorie-restricted diets with intermittent fasting and have observed equivalent weight loss in both groups. The studies consisted of a total of 1206 subjects and noticed the results from 8 weeks to 12 months and reported a weight loss of 4.6% to 13.0% [12, 13, 14].

Eat more Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient that is a source of energy for the human body and promotes growth and development. The standard daily protein intake of an adult human is 0.80/kg of an individual's body weight. Several studies have reported that a diet high in protein can potentially help losing weight.

In a meta-analysis of 24 studies, the effect of taking a high protein diet was compared to the standard protein diet and it was found out that consuming a high protein diet significantly reduced body weight, fat mass, and blood triglycerides. The study also concluded that a diet high in proteins results in an increase in fat-free mass and resting energy expenditure of the body [15].

Research conducted on a high protein diet has concluded that an intake of proteins more than the recommended daily limit can potentially decrease body weight for the long term and also prevents weight regain.

High protein intake in the diet causes weight loss as it improves or enhances the metabolism of your body by digesting food, increases calorie burn by 80 to 100 calories a day, and reduces your appetite by increasing satiety. Healthy protein sources include meat such as beef, chicken, pork, and lamb, plant-based sources such as beans, lentils, beans, and edamame, fatty fish such as salmon, trout, and tuna, and eggs [16, 17].

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have different characteristics and have different impacts on weight change depending upon their fiber content, glycemic index and the bioactive compounds present in them such as sugars and polyphenols. High fiber fruits and vegetables increase satiety, which prevents weight gain by decreasing total energy intake.

In a 24 year prospective study, it was found out that the intake of fruits and vegetables had an inverse relationship with weight change. A stronger inverse association was found between weight change and intake of vegetables that were high in fiber and had a lower glycemic load. They have low calories and carbs that make them perfect for anyone trying to lose weight.

Unlike other foods, an individual can eat larger vegetables without exceeding their calorie limit. Fruits including berries, apples and pears have greater benefits. Vegetables to be included in your menu include leafy vegetables such as Romaine lettuce, spinach, kale, collard greens, cabbage, and low-carb vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, asparagus, mushrooms and green beans, among others [18, 19].

Eat more Whole Grains

Whole grain foods are said to have various health benefits, including a positive role in weight control. Current dietary recommendations recommend substituting whole grains in place of the refined grains, as many of the bioactive benefits that are part of whole grains are lost during the filtration process.

Whole grains are full of fiber that helps keep you full thus keeping you from overeating. Whole grains contain other essential nutrients, including iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and B vitamins more than that of the refined grains.

Examples of whole grains being consumed worldwide include bulgur, oatmeal, brown and wild rice, quinoa, rye, millet, whole wheat bread, and pasta.

Several large-scale prospective studies have been conducted on studying the effects of whole grain intake on weight change and it has been reported through many pieces of evidence that there is an inverse association between whole grain intake and body mass index. This association is linked to several possible mechanisms including:

  • Increased satiety and energy excretion from stool because of abundant dietary fiber present in whole grains.
  • Improve in energy expenditure due to plentiful amount of polyphenols present in it.
  • Decrease in fat mass because of magnesium and zinc.
  • Enhanced glucose utilization and oxidation of lipids and fats due to increase of adiponectin by whole grains [20, 21].

Don't Skip Breakfast

In terms of mealtime, breakfast plays an important role. Breakfast is associated with low blood pressure in visual cues. Public health authorities often recommend morning use to reduce obesity. Recently, the tendency to skip breakfast has become a problem for elementary school students, as well as for junior and high school students.

A study of adult health in the United States reported that people who miss breakfast were five times more likely to be overweight than those who ate breakfast. Some studies have shown that when people skip breakfast, they tend to eat more calories at the end of the day, thus gaining more weight. Some studies have suggested that skipping breakfast is associated with a higher body mass index in teens [22].

In a study conducted on 152 participants, it was concluded that egg breakfast combined with an energy-deficit diet induces weight loss and is a nutritious supplement in an individual's weight loss journey [23].

Drink Caffeinated Green or Black Tea

Many studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of caffeine on weight loss management. Caffeine is a stimulant, and stimulants often increase the calories you burn. Caffeine can also cause metabolic changes in the body that can cause the burning of many calories.

Over the past few years, some studies have suggested that green or black tea may have more benefits than caffeine. Drinking tea with food can have another anti-fat effect. Exfoliation of tea can interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates when eaten in the same diet. According to a study published in the September 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, having a cup of zero-calorie tea instead of a calorie beverage or diet soda will certainly reduce the number of calories you ingest [24].

Some studies have suggested the use of dandelion extract for losing weight. There are some studies that demonstrate that the bioactive compounds present in dandelion might help weight loss and its maintenance.

It has also been reported that dandelion which is a bitter herb if taken as a tea before eating promotes the catabolism of fats and cholesterol which leads to weight loss [25, 26].

Practice high-intensity intermittent exercise

High-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) is reported to be resulting in greater fat loss compared to any other exercise and is considered as an effective and economical exercise protocol for reducing fat. In a HIIE training protocol, repeated short sprinting at an all-out intensity is performed followed by an immediate low-intensity exercise or rest. The time span of sprint and recovery period ranges from 6s to 4 minutes. The sprint protocol is usually performed on a cardio machine or a treadmill or while running outside.

Here we list a few protocols of High intensity training that can be performed while running and stretching (27):

  • Session 1 – 5 × 30 sec sprint with a recovery time of 5 min.
  • Session 2 – 7 × 30 sec sprint with a recovery time of 5 min.
  • Session 3 – 9 × 30 sec sprint with a recovery time of 5 min.
  • Session 4 – 8 x 30 sec sprint with a recovery time of 5 min.

A study compared the effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise with another group of people who practiced aerobic exercise for 15 weeks. The results showed a subcutaneous fat loss of 5 pounds in HIIE group while no change occurred in the aerobic exercise group. Another important change to be noticed in HIIE group was a 1.3 pounds increase in fat free mass. The 15 weeks of high-intensity intermittent exercise resulted in a 0.3-pound reduction of abdominal fat [28, 29].

In another study, the effect of high-intensity intermittent exercise was investigated in older men with type 2 diabetes and the results found a 44% decrease in abdominal fat with 8 weeks of training [27].

Lemon detox diet

Detox diets have been popular for removing toxins from the body and for weight loss. It is reported in various studies that the level of Vitamin C in the plasma has an inverse association with body mass. A study performed on 84 overweight Korean women for the period of 11 days concluded that the lemon detox diet can reduce body weight by reducing fat mass. It was also hypothesized that the lemon detox diet also lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases [30].

A study assessed the effects of lemon-honey juice fasting in healthy individuals. Fifty participants consumed 300 ml of lemon-honey juice four times a day for four consecutive days of fasting. The results showed a significant decrease in body weight, fat mass, free fat mass, and total serum triglycerides [31].


Losing weight might be someone's biggest dream. Many people would do anything to lose weight in a short span of time and while it is possible to lose several pounds in a week, it is not recommended by health care professionals.

Weight loss is achieved when the intake of energy is less than the energy expenditure of the body and it is the main dietary challenge to achieve energy deficit.

Because obesity is one of the world's most important concerns, many countries have developed guidelines at the government level and researches have been carried out on a huge scale to find the best possible ways to achieve a faster and efficient weight loss.

There are several steps through which one can lose weight rapidly. Following a low-calorie diet can be the best possible way to reduce weight by cutting out several foods that can let you proton weight.

In this regard, very-low-calorie diets offer rapid weight loss but it has its own downfalls and can induce several medical risks and require intensive care from the medical practitioner.

In many developed countries, obesity is the main risk factor for many life-threatening diseases including cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. For this reason, losing weight is the key to prevent such diseases and living a normal healthy life.

Following a healthy diet can lead to losing weight in a better way: eating high protein food including poultry, eggs, meat, and fish.

Eating more fruits ad vegetables will not affect the vitamins and nutrient contents of the body and will increasing satiety.

Another important step to be taken is cutting out all types of junk food from your diet. Most of the adults in the current era are living on junk food due to their eating habits and

Intermittent fasting is another popular and effective way of losing weight rapidly and is being practiced globally to reduce body fat and to achieve a certain target weight.

It is gaining popularity due to its different protocols of fasting with few hours of feeding window. If someone is practicing intermittent fasting along with exercise to lose weight faster, it should be taken care of that fasting and exercise are performed at different times.

While intermittent fasting seems a perfect approach to lose weight, however, practicing it in diabetes patients increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar level).

On one side, many studies have reported that a diet high in proteins induces weight loss and the risk factors of heart diseases by reducing blood pressure and triglycerides.

While on the other side, several studies have found that a high protein diet is significant in reducing body weight but it can pose risk to your bones and kidneys, it increases the risks of bone fracture and osteoporosis.

More in-depth research is needed to investigate the effects of a high protein diet.

High-intensity intermittent exercise is gaining popularity and is being practiced by many people to burn their fats and improve their appearances.

Researchers have reported greater benefits of high-intensity interval training compared to any other mode of exercise. It can not only help you lose weight faster but it can also boost your metabolism.

With all the best possible ways of losing weight in a week or two, studies have reported that rapid weight loss is usually not the body fat but the water weight and is not a long-term solution.

That's because losing 10 pounds in a couple of weeks is not a safer way. It can have many side effects including lowering insulin levels in the body which can lead to many other problems in the body including damaging the kidneys.

In most diets, losing weight might be easy but the management of weight, later on, is a tough job, most people regain the weight they lost.

Proper weight management needs long-term commitment and there is no short-cut way. Regular physical activities, following a healthy lifestyle, a diet high in proteins, grains, and veggies can help you maintain your weight in the longer run.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days
